All of us at one time or another have experienced a difficult situation, had setbacks, or dealt with our share of disappointment. Most things that happen to us on a daily basis we can't control and I can honestly say (with conviction) that it is not what happens to us that matters but rather, how we choose to respond.
That is what this 3 minute movie is all about...dealing with the current cards that we are dealt.
Subliminal mp3s are spreading like wildfire online, it now seems like every "guru" is bringing out their own range, every hypnosis website has a selection.
When something has a real buzz about it such as this it must mean there's something to it, but it is sometimes tough to find the facts in amongst all the fiction.
All this hype can lead to a lot of scratching of heads, searching for the truth. What is a whole lot worse is that there are some silly promises being tossed around about subliminal messages:
That they are instant
That they are totally effortless
That it is possible to learn a foreign language while you sleep blame Hollywood for this one
You can seduce a potential partner without them knowing
These statements are obviously not realistic, they are exaggerations at best, and complete lies (i.e. marketing hype from people wanting your money) at worst.
It's a shame there is so much incorrect information out there as if it is used correctly, for personal development purposes then it can be an amazing self help tool..
The key word here being HELP. The above over the top claims all have one thing in common - they're saying subliminal audio will do it all for you - this could not be further from the truth. It is just a tool to assist you. It will help support your goals, refocus your mind and provide you with a push in the right direction nonetheless it won't do all of it on it's own.To give an actual example It will but will not totally change your thoughts and opinions on something instantaneously, it will even help you to stop worrying, but it won't happen immediately.
It works in quite a simple way really - the subliminal commands progressively enter your unconscious mind to rewire your thoughts, patterns of thinking, and self beliefs. After some time the messages build up and arrange your unconscious mind to your goals and wishes and give you the best possible chance of being successful.
One source that I have used regularly is Subliminalmp3s. They have been running for over 4 years now - predating all of these outrageous claims, exaggerations, and obvious nonsense They offer reliable, proven subliminal audio, and what's more, they give away 3 free albums and an eBook which explains more about how subliminal audio works.
Although achieving happiness seems so difficult, it is shockingly easy to do when you follow a proven step-by-step strategy that works amazingly fast. You will get four simple steps to happiness here!