If you are a smoker, there is a good chance that you have received tips to quit smoking from all of your friends and family at one point or another. Most of these tips are passed on by people who have quit smoking for a month or two and will be smoking again in time. Here's a tip that will truly help you stay away from cigarettes for good: try all-natural Nicocure patches.
Instead of using nicotine, like most other products on the market, Nicocure patches employ an effective homeopathic formula to remove your desire to smoke. Natural herbs and extracts like Lobelia Inflata work quickly as expectorants for the lungs and they alter the taste of tobacco products, too. Even if you attempt to smoke while using our patches, the experience will be an unpleasant one, making it easy to drop that smoking habit once and for all.
How to Use Our Patches
To get started on our all-natural quit smoking program, you simply place one of our patches on a relatively hair-free part of your body. You wear the patch for 24 hours, and then you replace it with another. You should find that after only 10 days of wearing the patches, your cravings have almost completely disappeared. However, you should continue with the program for a full 30 days to ensure success.
If you are unhappy with the results you are seeing with our patches after 20 days, you can return the remainder of the product and you will receive a full refund. We are able to give this guarantee because we know our product works. The majority of quit smoking products on the market enjoy a success rate of 20 percent. Our patches are successful 97 percent of the time, and they can help you be successful, too.
For more information visit: Quit Smoking